
Prime Minister Announced Winter Electricity Relief Package

Package for Winter Electricity Relief. To help consumers during the winter, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has authorized a number of changes to electricity rates and fuel prices. These policies aim to address major inefficiencies in the power industry and guarantee reasonably priced energy use.

The authorized tariff adjustments, benchmark consumption standards, and other significant provisions of the winter electricity relief package are thoroughly explained in this article.

Tariff Adjustments For Winter Electricity Relief Package

Fuel Charges Adjustment (FCA)

  • Refund: Rs. 1.14 per unit negative adjustment for October 2024.
  • Amount Refunded: Rs. 11.379 billion to DISCOs consumers in December 2024.

Incremental Consumption Tariff

  • Tariff Rate: Rs. 26.07/kWh for incremental consumption above benchmark levels.
  • Eligible Consumers: All residential and commercial users meeting benchmark criteria.
DetailsTariff RateRefund/Adjustment
FCA Negative AdjustmentRs. 1.14 per unitRs. 11.379 billion
Incremental ConsumptionRs. 26.07/kWhAbove benchmark usage

Benchmark Consumption Criteria

The benchmark consumption is determined by comparing:

  1. Consumption during the same month of FY 2024, or
  2. Average consumption over the last three years for the same month.

Terms for Benchmark Consumption:

  • New Consumers: For users without consumption history, a formula-based benchmark is applied.
  • Disconnected or Defective Meters: Benchmark is calculated as per new consumer criteria.
  • Category Change: If a user shifts to a new tariff category, only periods under the same category are considered.
ScenarioBenchmark Consumption Rule
No consumption recordApply formula for new consumers
Disconnected/defective meterNew consumer formula applied
Shifted tariff categoryUse periods with the same category consumption
Zero consumption in benchmarkBenchmark calculated based on new consumer formula
Infographic illustrating the Winter Electricity Relief Package in Pakistan, highlighting NEPRA-approved adjustments, reduced tariffs of 26.07 Rs/kWh, and eco-friendly benefits for consumers
Visual representation of the Winter Electricity Relief Package in Pakistan, showcasing NEPRA’s approval and the benefits of reduced electricity tariffs for consumers in October 2024

Additional Terms and Conditions

  1. Meter Defects: Consumers with defective or locked meters during the applicable period are excluded from the package.
  2. Net Metering and Industrial Consumers: Applicable to net metering and wheeling industrial users.
  3. ToU Consumers:
    • Eligible if total consumption exceeds the aggregate benchmark.
    • Incremental units prorated between peak and off-peak hours.
  4. Incremental Sales Limit: Incremental sales up to 25% above benchmark consumption are eligible for the package. Excess usage is charged at normal tariffs.

Challenges in Implementation

NEPRA’s decision acknowledges several inefficiencies and challenges that need to be addressed for smooth implementation:

Technical Challenges

  • Limited capacity to evacuate power from renewable sources like wind plants.
  • Transmission constraints, especially from southern to northern regions.

Operational Challenges

  • Reliance on inefficient GENCOs and outdated power plants.
  • Delays in repairs at critical facilities like the 747 MW Guddu plant.
  • Inefficient governance in DISCOs leading to high AT&C losses.

Proposed Solutions

To ensure the success of the winter relief initiative, NEPRA has outlined several measures:

  1. Resource Optimization:
    • Decommission underutilized GENCOs.
    • Enhance project management to reduce cost overruns and delays.
  2. Technology Adoption:
    • Introduce prepaid meters and ABC conductors.
    • Explore privatization or restructuring of larger DISCOs into smaller units.
  3. Infrastructure Improvements:
    • Expand charging facilities for electric vehicles.
    • Strengthen transmission systems to reduce costs.
  4. Policy Reforms:
    • Implement lower-rate time-of-use tariffs.
    • Conduct regular audits and public consultations.

Impact on K-Electric (KE)

K-Electric’s unique regulatory framework requires a tailored approach for incorporating the winter package. A tariff adjustment mechanism has been proposed to:

  • Protect KE’s financial stability by covering distribution costs.
  • Ensure fair application of the relief package for KE consumers.

More Read: CM Punjab Free Solar Panel Scheme


A major step in addressing systemic inefficiencies in Pakistan’s power sector and guaranteeing consumers can afford energy is the Winter Electricity Relief Package.

Through the implementation of these measures, NEPRA hopes to improve overall efficiency, strengthen governance within DISCOs, and encourage sustainable energy consumption. Achieving the intended results will depend on efficient monitoring and timely interventions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the tariff rate for incremental electricity consumption?

The tariff rate for incremental consumption above benchmark levels is Rs. 26.07/kWh.

Who is eligible for the winter relief package?

Eligible consumers include residential, commercial, net metering, and wheeling industrial users who meet benchmark criteria.

What is the benchmark consumption period?

The benchmark consumption period compares the same month’s usage in FY 2024 or the average of the last three years for the same month.

Are there any exclusions from the package?

Yes, consumers with defective or locked meters and those exceeding 25% incremental consumption over the benchmark are excluded.

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